Corporate Risk Solutions

ever-evolving business environment poses a challenge in optimising the best risk mitigation option. Knowledgeable Insurance broker is committed to find the best solution to the corporates to mitigate likely economic losses due to unforeseen eventualities. INTERLINK with its combined industry experience of more than 300 years would be obvious choice.

A Corporate Risk broker acts as an intermediary between corporations and insurers, representing the insurance buyer unlike an agent, which ultimately represents an insurance company and not the Client.
Corporations with large commercial and industrial risks rely on the expertise of insurance brokers to obtain adequately priced insurance coverage and provide risk management consulting services. In the past few years, rising medical costs, terrorism, complexity in industrial risks, supply chain uncertainties, default risks, corporate scandals, and increased litigation have led to a growing demand for brokers to find protection for their clients particularly for risks for which capacity is scarce.
Thus, Insurance brokers reduce search costs, uncertainty and asymmetric bargaining power while ensuring availability of feasible options to the insurance buyer, help selecting appropriate products and providers while rendering actuarial, loss control and claims management services.
Armed with the following strengths, INTERLINK renders our clients a competitive advantage:

Did you Know ?

  • INTERLINK has been providing Corporate Risk Solutions (H&B, P&C, Liability insurance etc.) to clients since 2003.
  • INTERLINK has dedicated teams for Consulting and Placement activities.

    Our approach

    Corporate Risk Solutions and has evolved during the last two decades from its core function of matching pre-defined insurance coverage needs with insurance supply within a budgeted price. This required primarily detailed market knowledge on the part of the insurance broker. Over the last decade, brokers have begun to offer additionally new services and have changed the market’s perception of their role.

    INTERLINK employs sophisticated risk-analytical, benchmarking and modelling skills in combination with profound market knowledge to structure appropriate bespoke risk solutions for our clients before placing the risk with the appropriate insurers at competitive price. This improvement in risk-analysis methodology helps us evolve from being mere providers of basic brokerage services into trusted risk advisors offering a wide variety of enterprise-wide risk management and consultation services.

    Post engagement, INTERLINK team initiates the review of our clients’ business at a strategic level basis sophisticated risk-management tools that allow us to understand our Clients’ risk profile, identify cost drivers and analyze enterprise-wide risk under 2 categories – Insurable Risks and Uninsurable Risks.

    This also assists in understanding and evaluating the prevailing risk exposures to categorise them so that they can be

    We at INTERLINK work with your risk manager and the senior management team to go through the above process and categorizing the exposures into different buckets.
    INTERLINK client value proposition aligns well in meeting all your Insurance needs. Our differentiators include:
    On the Direct side, we focus our business under various specialty viz., Health & Benefits, Liability Insurance and Property & Casualty business. The following are some of the product lines:

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)