Marine Insurance

Transit Insurance, due to its nature, needs knowledgeable and experienced risk advisor to navigate their insurance programme. INTERLINK has the knowledge and experience.
Marine Insurance
Transit Insurance, due to its nature, needs knowledgeable and experienced risk advisor to navigate their insurance programme. INTERLINK has the knowledge and experience.
Marine insurance is one of the earliest developed forms of insurance and is vital to the Shipowners, Charterers, Cargo Owners, Importers, Exporters, and all other entities engaged in the movement of goods by air, sea, road, or post. This type of insurance policy covers the loss or damages caused to marine cargo during transit. Specifically, comprehensive protection is offered to the cargo owner along with the cover to the cargo for any loss or damage caused due to perils of the sea, fire, theft, pilferage, accidental damage, delay in the voyage, ship accident, unloading malicious damage and other such hazards.
Our team consists of experienced marine insurance professionals having the competency and capability of offering a wide range of broking services including risk management and claims handling. We have the capability to device comprehensive and cost-effective insurance solutions to cover different legs of transit of the assured including intermittent storage.


Takshilkumar Desai

Sales Head

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
