Health & Benefits

Operating in a complex, rapidly changing, and competitive environment, health and welfare of employees and their families is a matter of paramount importance.  Companies cannot afford to let these risks adversely impact performance.  INTERLINK has expertise and experience to bring value.

Health & Benefits

Operating in a complex, rapidly changing, and competitive environment, health and welfare of employees and their families is a matter of paramount importance.  Companies cannot afford to let these risks adversely impact performance.  INTERLINK has expertise and experience to bring value.
Increasingly competitive search for skilled employees, their diverse expectations & demographics, growing complexities in product profiles, spiraling healthcare costs, and expanded administrative burdens have brought about dramatic changes to human resource management. Employers of all sizes are finding the need for continuing advice from experienced and committed professionals in designing & delivering creative, cost-effective, and meaningful benefits solutions from a wide range of options.
INTERLINK Health & Benefits team can help you succeed in this complex and changing environment. We have the proven expertise to assist you in dealing with a wide variety of important issues –benefits employees want or need most; costs of the various choices; sharing costs between employer and employees; program communication and administration, flex-models, benefits benchmarking, utilization review, wellness initiatives, et al.


Takshilkumar Desai

Sales Head

Did you Know ?

  • In 2021, INTERLINK conducted a Comprehensive Health & Benefits (H&B) survey across 200+ employers, which also analyzed the Corporate India’s perspective on benefits in the Pandemic environment.
  • INTERLINK H&B team can provide you with innovative, bespoke and cost-competitive solutions on all H&B related requirements, including Expat, Retirement Solutions, FlexBen etc.
  • Even though, at present, India is still one of the world’s lowest cost healthcare market, the recent rise in healthcare costs has been exponential. Medical in India is experiencing 18-24% increases in health insurance costs, which is 4x economic inflation.”

    INTERLINK Health & Benefits team consists of experienced & committed professionals ready to provide you with sustainable & tailor-made solutions pertaining to all aspects of Health & Benefits design & delivery.
    INTERLINK Health & Benefits team takes a long-term view of benefits management that aims to help companies achieve a balance between designing & delivering innovative benefits as a retention tool and judiciously managing escalating costs.
    We do this by offering:


    Our Health & Benefits takes a long-term view of benefits management that aims to help companies achieve a balance between using benefits as a retention tool and managing escalating costs. We do this by offering:


    Understanding corporate needs, objectives and Incorporating unparalleled excellence in all aspects of our service delivery.
    Developing specification of your plan requirements and using our methodology to analyse and negotiate with insurers.
    Implementing the various action items identified in the projects and communicating the changes.
    Experienced administration and customer service professionals to assist with the various aspects of servicing your plan
    To improve your business efficiency by providing knowledge which can be used to make appropriate improvements or amendments in benefits Redesign.
    Technology helps businesses automate majority tasks and this process results in superior throughput time, increased productivity and efficiency. Developing an organised approach to communicating the plans and ensuring they are utilised optimally.
    We cover all pillars of wellness: physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, and social. Identifying the unique health issues driving costs and developing an effective strategy to address these issues

    Various Products

    INTERLINK Health & Benefits teams consist of experienced professionals that can provide you with comprehensive solutions across the Health & Benefits landscape
    Group Health
    Group Personal
    Accident Insurance
    Group Term
    Life Insurance
    Overseas Travel

    Want to Connect with us?

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)
